Why would they do this?

All my family went on holiday to devon and my brothers ex was der, they started talkin and went of on there own somewhere for a walk to talk bout the past, whn we came bk from holiday his ex is sayin to his girlfrien now that he shagged her and was kissin her in the caravan. Now shes told my dad what had happened and my dad is belelin my bros ex. I think the only reason why hes beleivin her because he is going out with her sister.its makin my bro and his girlfriend have surgument because of it. But why would she say that they did shag and kiss? Why would my dad do that?

Answer #1

She Is Probably Jelous Of His New Girlfriend, She Probably Wants Him.

Answer #2

Boys will be boys… your brother may have done that or not… but one things for sure only he knows… and he also knew that taking off with his ex to talk about the past is wrong… no one does that unless they want something from the past to come back… and especially with him already having a girlfriend… he would have just said hi to her and that was it… not gone to talk about the past…

Answer #3


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