Why Wont My iPod appear in iTunes but it does on Windows?

It appears in CopyTrans Manager and in my Windows but not in iTunes! I tried connecting another ipod and it does connect ! Please give me some advice I used the tips on the apple website but they didnt work!

im really frustrated :(

Answer #1

Hello Ashley Greetings… Well I can see that you have synced your ipod to a windows system… The following should help you…

  1. an iPod when synced on one system will work only on that system (Mac)
  2. you’ll have to reset yours because a mac makes it mandatory for your ipod to be in HFS+ format… whereas windows makes it NTFS of FAT32 (Dos). o I’m afraid that you’l have no choice other than to format it… 4.Now I also consider that you iPod is not detected by the mac so what you should do is… First, connect your iPod to the mac and switch it off… Second, Switch it on now… Third, wait to see if it detects… Four, If it does not then hold down the MENU and PLAY buttons for about 7 to 8 seconds… It will restart your iPod and refresh it… Tell me if it helped you… Subscribe my Youtube Channel “NISHANT FERNANDO” Thank You God Bless
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