Why won't she like me??

Okay so there’s this girl I like. I’ve liked her dor three years. I just recently told her how I feel in a poem..one of the best I’ve ever written.. And it made her cry and she hugged me and was very VERY happy. But…she still doesn’t like me…

Answer #1

I’ve only told her once and we’ve been talking more. I’ve just been cool. I’m not pushing or anything. Just waiting..and waiting..

Answer #2

You have told her. You put it out there, good for you. But you don’t need to tell her again. That would just end up bugging her. Just continue like usual. and BE COOL! Don’t be pushy. Don’t try to make her like you and DON’T try to make her tell you that she likes you. If you push too much, you will drive her away. Just be cool. That is your best chance.

Answer #3

I don’t know maybe she just likes you as a friend…if it doesnt work out you could just be really good friends and that should be enough…lol and I wanna hear this poem..hehe

Answer #4

awww… puppy love. It’s sad, but move on my friend. You have a kind heart, but she just doesn’t seem to think of you that way. Best Wishes!

Answer #5

aww your so sweet, I don’t think a lot of guys would be THAT cool to write a poem for a girl they like :)

if you do like her heaps, continue chasing her but remember your crush may only want you as a friend and nothing more… btw ending a sentence with love hearts doesnt neccessarily mean she into you, its one of our girly attributes we scribble on notes ;) … I usually end my notes to mates with “lub sammie” - LUB Is between like and love heheh

Answer #6

But she always writes me notes like everyday now..with a heart at the end. But she won’t SAY she likes me..I ain’t giving up yet:)

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