why ? what should I do ?

well I just got in a big fight with my boyfriend … and well I think we are over .. he said “goodbye forever “ so I take it was we are no longer together

im sad, crying right now .. but my pride is to big to go back and try and get back with him … I rather just wait and see what else comes along … or to see what happens… but I guess he doesnt really love me like he said he does if he let somethin so simple as a picture be the cause of our break-up .. but oh well what can you do ??? so do you think I should just forget about him and delete him from my contacts ? or what?? I dont know what to do

Answer #1

Yeah I dont think you should end it so quick, I mean if he loves you and you love him. A picture shouldent end something you guys have.

Answer #2

Nooo, you had a fight, no need to get rushing to conclusions and everything.

Everybody says things that they don’t truly mean when they are angry, it’s in the heat of the moment, it happens to everyone. Tomorrow give him a call or go to his house, see how he is and talk it through.

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