why should I care?

Well I’m pretty confused. About an ex. We dated last year for about 5 months. He was a great guy :] he got along very well. Because of something unfortunate I had to break up with him. It broke his heart as it did mine. I tried to mend things even at the very least to have a friendship. He said he was over what happened and we could be friends. Ever since we broke up he’s gotten back into doin drugs and not being the best I know he can be. Yet everytime I try talking to him he makes it sound like I’m a bother, I must admit it does hurt me that he can’t even be my friend. Noww I found out that he has a girlfriend. And yet it kinda annoys me. I think its pretty safe to say I’m over him. I know I miss the past but to me the past is the past and some how I need to remember why it didn’t work out and how its best now. But it bummes me out he has a girlfriend. I’m not sure if its because I still feel like he should want me or what? I don’t understand. I really just wanna forget it. Its not like I feel like this everyday. Just sometimes when I think about it. Help please?

Answer #1

Forget him and put your mind on to some thing beautiful when you think of him like some other beautiful relationship etc..

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