why not me?

well theres this guy that goes to my school and I’ve developed an unexplanable attraction towards him…one problem:he has a girlfriend whom he really likes but who treats him like shit (and im not the only one that says that…his friends do to). He hardly sees her and she hardly ever smses him…his really committed to her though-wont cheat as far as I can tell! We friends right,but I want it to b more than that. We hang out on the weekends and we have a lot in common so why not? How do I make him re-think his relationship with her and see me as the better option? HELP!!! How do I go about

Answer #1

Find someone that is single. You really have NO business in his relationship, unless he brings you into it, which he isnt doing! If he truly likes her, and is committed to his her, no matter how she treats him, is his business! Its his life, not yours! You cant make someone like you, or do something they dont wanna do!! Leave him alone, and stop trying to interfere! I dont think YOU would appreciate someone trying to get your bf!! Respect the both of them, and move on to someone who isnt involved with anyone!!

Answer #2

you cant make him see shes not good for him youll just have to wate till he sees it for himself and make sure your the one thats there for him when it does

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