Could I Be Pregnant?

Okaay I Started my period On Wednesday the 13th, and I had noticed the day of the 17 I stopped. So I had s*x with my boyfriend, and we didnt use protection, I noticed that when we had finished I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding. I don’t know if it was my period or not but it was kinda light. So can I be pregnant, because now im not on it at all besides a little bit of spotting, its the 18th today. Someone help me I need to know. ASAP

Answer #1

Use a condom from now on please!.

But you could be there’s a big chance!.

Answer #2

Yeaah; I might be, but I can’t take a pill I wont! ANd Thanks for the answers, but I need to know if its possibe if I am.

Answer #3

If you had unprotected sex, you could be pregnant…simple as that.

Answer #4

Furo… I said WHY ME? because Funadvise is stupid and no other tittle would work.

Answer #5

Hey okay the best thing to do is tell your mom or dad because when I was in that boat I told my mom the day after and got some pill so the best thing to do is tell a friend and don’t worry to much. I’m sure you are probably on your period

Answer #6

It is very possible you are pregnant. I don’t know why you say “Why me” when it was your own actions. It’s not like a random act of nature or something. If you aren’t pregnant be wiser in the future. Think before you act.

Best of luck.

Answer #7

Pregnancy is not the only unwanted consequence from unprotected sex. You could get a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Some STD’s are incurable (Herpes, HPV, Hepatitis B, HIV). Some STD’s have awful health risks if left untreated. Please use a condom!

Answer #8

There is a possibility that you could be pregnant because you had unprotected sex, however you wont be able to find out if you are actually pregnant until 5 days before your next period unless you do to the doctor for a bloodtest 10 days after you had sex

Answer #9

Chances are that you are not pregnant, BUT you could be since using protection was omitted. A lot of times women will have their periods, stop bleeding but it restart later in the day and on the 17th when you noticed nothing, but the penetration of the penis could have hit something and caused a slight discharge again. A woman period can last anywhere from2-5 days, which is completely normal. Now on to the chances of you not being pregnant is based on the fact that a woman has to be ovulating to get pregnant and ovulation can start as early as 5 days after the last day of your period. A general time frame is between 9-15 days after your period has ended. A woman most likely knows when she is ovulating because the woman will have a clear mucous discharge around the time frame of 9-15 days after the period ended. You do however need to protect yourself from getting pregnant and STD’s!!! Plan a pregnancy ONLY IF you are financially, mentally, and physically responsible enough to handle the extensive care a child needs. There are a lot of children out there in this world that did not need to be brought into this world to irresponsible people. Please don’t be one of those.

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