Why don't guys ask me out?

Why is it that guys dont ask me out? I mean in all honesty… im not nasty girl. im very down to earth and you will always see me smiling. and its not like im socially inept. I have plenty of friend and I love going out and having fun. its just sometime id like to sit, relax and cuddle every so often. But I cant do that if I dont have a guy to do it with!!! Is it the boys?… or is it just me?

Answer #1

When you meet guys, do you treat them as if you can at the most be friends?

Answer #2

Hm, there sounds to be nothing wrong with you and the relationship you have with guys. Maybe you should just wait ‘til there’s someone more true out there. Trust me, he’s out there somewhere.

Answer #3

how do you act towards guys? do you flirt, or maybe talk like he was just another friend?

this is something a third person like us cant find out for you you just need to try and think about how you act towards them and if you show them youre interested

Answer #4

because Im not in your school!lol

You have lot of things going on w/ you mayb they are intimidated by you, perhaps you choose the boys and they are not on your level Or mayb you r so unique that its going to take time for you to find another boy that can relate

another factor might b the boys perception of you, you say that your always smiling mayb the boys think that you r not genuine, believe it or not boys want to c flaws so that girls seem more human

try this, have a “bad day” dont smile seem like your not in a good mood whenever a boy comes up to ask wats wrong, make up something and the boy will try and give you advice, (this means he cares) after the advice act in a better mood and tell him “u shuld talk to me more” and he will

Answer #5

sounds like a stroke of bad luck, thats what im in right now. nothing to worry about

Answer #6

no. I flirt with them just a little to show them intrest.

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