Why me ?! :'(

So me & my ex recently broke up. & I jess found out that he was cheating on me since the beqinninq. I don’t want to fall in love again. & I can’t take this anymore :’( we had 5 months & some. He met my whole family & everything. I need all the advice I can get :-\ help ?

Answer #1

when your out try to make yourself available by looking into the eye of a guy you see interest to make it easier for them and for you. I love it when I see a girl who I think has an interest in me yet has a look of a broken heart, it just makes it so much easier!

Answer #2

If I were you, I would ditch the guy. I know falling love is hard, and when you get comfortable or desire a certain someone for such a long period of time, it becomes a ‘need’ and comfortability. But the reality is, that if this guy cheated on you from the beginning, he didn’t want to be there to start with, so he won’t be there later down the road either. Save yourself the trouble, and tell him to hit the road. There’s plenty of other guys out there just waiting to come find you. (;

hope that helps!

Answer #3

well heartbreak is hard. I was with a guy for over two years…and im still getting over it…and it been over a year! he didnt love me like I loved him he moved on 2 months after the break up. no one said love is fair. heartbreak will happen…and im trying to get back on the road…that doesnt mean that true love is cruel…its just rare.

go to this site…it helped me tons


surf it..it does help

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