Why isnt it sending?

I got a VirginMobile cellphone 3 weeks ago, and the girl that gave it to me set me up with a plan I have no idea of so im scared if my bill is going to be high. So I went on the site to log in and check but I forget my pin number so I clicked “forget” and typed in my cell number and it said they sent it to me on my phone. Its been 10 minutes and I havent recieved it yet. and YES, it IS the correct number. Why isnt it working? And where can you find your PIN number?

Answer #1

I thought Virgin Mobile was prepaid. That was irresponsible of you to accept and use the phone without knowing what the plan set up was on it.

Answer #2

try this site http://www.virgin.com/gateways/mobile/

and then use the help function to contact them…

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