why is this happening?

Hi I know this might sound really weird and nasty but need help….. okay so I have a cousin who I just meet he is sooo cute. Everything I would want in a guy we been talking to him for three months and we get a long perfectly if it wasn’t that we were first cousins he would be the perfect guy for me. It seems like he likes me since all this comments he says like “Damn it sucks that we are cousins” “and he asks me to send him pictures of me not naked ok” also he like damn you look good I almost forgot we were cousins…and Im starting to like him a lot and got me scared since I do no we are cousins…so I stopped talking to him for like three weeks but cant stop thinking about him what should I do no rude comments please I cant control my feelings sorry 

Answer #1

Well I know how you feal (I have an extremely sexy sousin ho lives in california FORTUNATLEY I’ve met him once otherwise I might be in your poition still) and I see no problem with that. The only reason that sdating people related to you is wrong is because a long time ago somebody decided that it wasn’t the social norm just like girls used to not be able to wear pants… but there’s no harm or realy reasonwhy you shouldn’t go for it if you both want to don’t stick to the norm nad became a sheep be your own person anad make your own decisions based on how you FEEL not on what others might think. It’ll make you happier in the long run.

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