What is going on?

so I have known this guy for 9 years right… he was my first love…my first EVERYTHING..know what I mean…so we have styaed in contact over the years..split up when we were young…and over the years he has always been with someone and I have to..this time we have met back up and he is not seeing nobody and im not either…we have stayed friedns ALWAYS…last night I went to see him and we drank and danced and had the best time ever..it was like old times…in my heart I know I love him…and we also had sex…I had been wanting this for so long…when the time come he could not stay hard and I could not stay wet…WHY??? we both wanted it…what is going on…all the years that has passed us by and lats night we finally get out chance after 9 years…and it didnt work out…what the heck is going on???

Answer #1

Could have been the pressure of the situation without either of you really knowing it. Not to mention with him, drinking at times like these can be a man’s bestfriend or his worst ememy.

Maybe timing was just off. I’m sure the oppurtunity will present itself again. Good Luck the next time.

Answer #2

its not your fault its his … he may have wanted it but he wasnt making you hott enough he needs to find your “spots” you know what I mean?

Answer #3

Just one of those things…I wouldn’t read too much into it.

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