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When I try to talk to a random chick she always looks at me and thinks I’m like a total loser for even trying to talk to her… (it’s always the hot ones) But when my friends talk to them they always succeed, I’m not bad looking at all, I consider myself better looking amongst most of my friends. I don’t do anything wrong when I try to talk to them either at least I dont think. I’m normally just like ‘hey you’re pretty cute so I thought I’d talk to you’ or even the casual ‘whats up?’ but they’re always just like idc. Am I just a bad talker?

Answer #1

OH…btw…There’s a thing called inner beauty you know…it’s OFT even sweeter than the outside beauty, you might want to learn about it…prides a little rough too :P Instant turn off: A guy talking about how hot he thinks he is

Answer #2

giggles softly Why don’t you just waltz up and go, “Hey, alright, I”m hot, so are you, let’s get down and dirty!” shakes her ehad ina musement No cheesy pick up lines, please, no as a girl, I HATE it when a guy comes up, and the first thing he’s hinting at is either dating you, which leads to sex, or sex in general Try a simple hello, remark on the weather, ask about the book she’s holding, or the purse she’s got. If you HAVE to use a line, do a question, like “why are her eyes such a soft (insert color here)” or something like that…Don’t hint at any type of sex, be sweet, and kind… You’re not a loser, it’s just…well…she’s probably heard EVERY line you’ve got to say, maybe it’s time for…I dunno…a change, something different, and not so cheesy as hell xD

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