why is that

why does no guy ever likes the weird girl? the one that is comfortable exactly the way she is. the one who doesnt care what other people think of her. the one that doesnt try to be anything but herself. the one that is always there when you need to talk. the one that’s there when ever you need her to give a hug,make you laugh,and try to make you feel better.the one thats always being crazy ,fun, random ,stupid, silly with her friends.the one that doesnt cover her face with make-up or pretend to be into something just be cause you mentioned it. the girl that has brains. the girl that is proud of herself. why is it that no guy ever likes the little dorky,nerdy,totally herself and doesn’t try to be anything else kinda girl with a book in her hands, headphones in her ears, that you can always talk to? why is that?

Answer #1

me and my boyfriend are both like that and he loves girls like that most guys I know do.

Answer #2

Im in love with that kind of girl, thats exactly what I look for…uniqueness.

Answer #3

my ex girl is totally like that and I love that about her… shes everything you mentioned above :) cant wait to be with her again soon

Answer #4

I’m like that. Different and all. I don’t wear makeup (I look fine without it), I’m quiet and shy but fun and silly, and I like anime, and reading, and music and all that and insecure. Not too social…I’m 18 never been in a relationship because of it. but for the past month or two I’ve met a guy that doesn’t care. That has the same interests as me and is similar to me (not in a relationship yet though). So just give it time…you’ll find the guy for you sooner or later.

Answer #5

Duckie, you sound young, high school aged or possibly younger. If this is the case it is a problem that goes back to the beginning of time. Essentially most, but not all people, still in school are excessively worried about what others think of them. Being cool is far more important than being smart. To be seen with the “nerdy” or “geeky” girl would just be a social disaster for the one looking to climb the “popularity ladder”. As you grow older and the boys mature you will see that more and more will be interested in you. Those that aren’t ,are either more into themselves or, shallow and superficial. Give it time and the right guy will come along, and he will be well worth the wait.

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