Why is she doing this?

Okay . . . well I have this friend and she still is driving me nuts. she makes me want to pull my hair out. shes my very best friend but my other friend turned her against me. its such a loong story but I just want it to stop.I just want my old frined back. right now shes mad at me for somthing I didnt do but I don’t no how to tell her cause she only listenses to that othre friend. plus, that other friend is a cronick liar. I’ve been thinking about changing schools and somtimes sucide. itll end it all and I can fiannaly be happy. but, everyone says shes not a real frin but I no she is . what do I do ? please help me . I’ve been crying wayyy to longg .

Answer #1

Its hard to give you advice when we don’t really know the whole situation. I don’t know what you should do, I guess having a serious conversation with her is the only thing you can do right now. Obviously someone is trying to make you mad, and its working, so step up and take control. Don’t let it get to you, I know shes your best friend, but if shes going to just let you go like that… then shes not a very true friend. I hope things work out for you.

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