Why is she acting so rudely?

She is my best friend,but I think it is her time of the month or somthing,because she is being very rude!!!

I got spacers(the things for braces) on wensday,and I texted her that I got spacers and she was like cool and stuff and said she had two spacers when she had them (I have 4;2 on top and bottom)

Kay.well yesturday I didnt go to school (because my teeth were so sore I couldnt eat anything beside pudding (witch I hate) and stuff. Well she texted me

; why werent you at school 2day.I said; because my spacers hurt really bad .she was like;baby lol:). I said;I know:d,but the only thing I could eat was pudding,yuck:p. She was like;o,my mom works for an orthodontist and she said that nobody should have to stay home for school becuase their spacers hurt. I was like;o.well mabey my spacers hurt more becuase I have four. She said; I jsut asked,I hade 8 and they didnt even hurt.

It just made me so mad.I know it doesnt seem like a big deal at all,but she was acting like that the whole day at school to. She couldve atleast been supportive like my other best friends.also I toold my mom bout it and she said that every one has different tolerance for pain and she probley just has a high one or somthing. It just made me really mad.and now every time I text her she just acts like a real big b.like I said,mabey its her time of the month.what do you think?

Answer #1

Okayy, what you have to do is just ask her “Have you started your period yet or something, because your being a little rude I’m sorry to say that but I don’t want to lie to you?” and tell me what she says next.

Answer #2

her mom has no say about what your mom lets you do. you shouldnt be actinbg like that

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