Why is my period doing this?

Ok so like I have my period every secound sunday of the month and go till that thursday…I had sex the day before and he busted in me…but I still had my period…but now I kinda wanna kid soo I stop takin my birth control pill…that was on the 17 of this month yesterday morning I started havin a period again…this aint ever happen before…soo like why am I have a period again???

Answer #1

how old are u?

Answer #2

well sorryto tell you this but it could take up to a year after coming off the pill befour your body changes and you get pregent but my addvice is not to do it I was a young mum not planed but it was hard the dad didnt stay around and I was a single mum for 3 years untill a got with a man that now thinks the world of my daughter and she calls him dad but just think hard about what you wont in life dont going having a baby and thinking it is good

Answer #3

When you stop the BC pills, your body may go thru a period of readjustment before it stabilizes. Including odd lengths of time between periods and skipped periods.

Really, you want a child at the age of 16?? Please rethink this. You are putting a burden on yourself and the child that will be very difficult to overcome. A child raised in a stable more mature home is much more likely to have a good and productive life. And isn’t that what you want for any child of yours? If you wait just a few more years, let both you and the child’s father finish schooling and start a career, you both will have so much more to offer your children. Good Luck!!

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