why is my period brown/black?

so sartuday morning I got my period but its a weird period.. its not red blood its actually kinda brown spots and sometimes is black like its gross I shower 329423 times bec it smells bad. why is this? is it my period? im on birthcontrol. its my first time that I have a period like that im 18 btw. can someone please explain why my period is not normal blood?

Answer #1

sometimes, mines like that. my doctor told me it was older blood that is coming out. if you dont already know when you wear a pad or a tamp. when the blood dries its a brownish black color. you will get that sometimes. even after having kids trust me. your alright. but if you experience pain I would go to a doc.

Answer #2

yeah how long have it been on for..its probaly about to go off ..drink some cranberrie juice =)

Answer #3

i would go to a doctor anyway brown or any black blood isnt good and there is no sutch thing as old blood it does not stay in there and forget to come out if you bleed you bleed i would advise you honey go see your gp and explain to him/her what you asked on hear i am sure they will give you a better answer than on hear and just incase it is a little infection to you may need anti boitics god luck mind see a gp or a sexual health clinic

Answer #4

why is a male asking about this???

Answer #5

lol so it is thanks for noticing how silly do i feal why is a guy asking for

Answer #6

hunny i just had my 2nd kid, and when u are preg. you DONT bleed some people do and some people dont. after 1 egg is fertal theres no more till baby is born. i think i would know. so there for that 10 months of being preg. thats 10 months without ur period!<—- WITHOUT my doctor told me that all the extra blood that u did NOT! have during the preg. and then when u bleed for 6 WEEKS after the blood is red and brown. <——-….. i cunsulted my doctor about the colored blood and he said i was perfectly fine that it will go back to its red color. and to this day i still get brownish blood and i consulted my doctor again and he said it was fine nothing wrong!. as long as im not having any pain. then im perfectly healthy

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