why is my male kitty bleeding?

why is my kitty (male) bleeding out of his butt?

Answer #1

VET!!! Unexplained blood coming from an orfice is in the “Vet Catagory”…


Answer #2

Are you sure it is his but and not his penis? If butt could be worms in the intestines, if penis he could be obstructied and when a male cat cannot pee it is only a matter of time and they die. Sorry but that is the truth, I would find out where it is from and see if you notice him peeing or straining to pee.

Answer #3

tapeworm call the vet

Answer #4

I’m not sure, but all I know is that you should consult a vet or something.

Answer #5

he probably has a scratch. (happened to me lol)

Answer #6

take him to a vet to be sure, but like harleyrider said, if its his pen*s, then he could die. If its his bottom, then he might just be constipated and strained to go, or he could have worms. Either way, he needs to be checked out.

Answer #7

it hapenes to my friends dog, and its fine

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