why is my hair like this?

well first of all I had natrually straight hair and about 2 years ago it was starting to get really wavy and a little bit curly and I dont think its my shampoo because I’ve used it for like 4 years because it works the best so why did it suddenly turn wavy? and can I get it staight again

Answer #1

its normal even when you get your hair cut!!! my hair was nice and straight and now it is curly/wavy!!! its werid I know!!!

Answer #2

yes you can use straightners hehe. and if u’ve had are hair layered it can go likethat mie has done the same thing chcky

Answer #3

mhmm I thinkk its normal .. I dont really know how to answer your question but my moms hair was pin straight when she was younger and as soon she had me her hair turned wavy , curly.. so maybe its in your genes.. haha gosh that makes no sense

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