Why is my boyfriend like this with me like it's kinda cute but I don't know?

Ok my boyfriend does so much for me when I want him to or just whenever he’s gonna get food he buys me somthing to eat an he will make me something to eat he went an saw new moon with me at midnight when it first came out he’s amazing to me an I love him so much but the thing is he gets so jelous an over protective like me an the guy friend of mine were in tHe living room at a party an he wanted to wrestle with me just playing an he picked me up an threw me on the couch an I told my boyfriend what happened an he got mad at my friend an mad at me to then we made up later that night then went to a party together an my guy friend showed up an tried saying sorry to my boyfriend an my boyfriend said you might wanna go away now or your gonna get hit real quick! An he threatend to strangle him if he touched me again lol he’s not crazy haha but he gets so mad when I’m around other guys an thinks their gonna flirt with me I don’t know why is he like this ??

Answer #1

He really DOES like/love you. I know it seems obnoxious and territorial, but that’s just the way some guys are at first. It’ll probably slowly fade through time, or if/when he gets enough assurance that you love him as much as he loves you. “Wrestling” with a girl is totallyyy a way of flirting. He doesn’t hold you accountable for it, it’s not your fault. It’s kind of a guy-code, no other guy should “wrestle” or do anything flirtatious with another guy’s girlfriend. It’s possible that he’s a little threatened of losing you to someone else. BUT, it’s probably more just that some other guy is barging in on his “territory.” No, he doesn’t think of you as just an object, but the other guy is basically crossing the boundaries.

Guys are usually pretty simple, but, even as a guy saying this, this particular thing about guys is pretty complicated.

Hope this helps! :)

Answer #2

it’s obvious he loves you. he seems to he head over heels for you and that seems really sweet. when you think about it though, although it’s not likely, you could have gotten hurt when you were being slammed to the couch. so I understand why he’s being so overprotective about that. the thing is that he seems to have anger issues if he’s willing to pull off a threat like that.

Answer #3

because he really loves you duh why else would he b like that… awww thats so cute though♥

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