Why is my belly doing this??

I got my belly pierced march 1st and got it infected 2 weeks later because my brothers girlfriend hit it with full force plus I guess I had soap particles stuck in it. . . Anywhoo now I went to the tatoo parlor and the infection is totally gone. .!!! Looks way better and doesnt hurt. . but now I’ve had it for like 3 months and by now its suppose to start the healing process. . but its still red around the top hole and crusty the botttom hole is perfect and looks healed but the top is still acting really stubborn and doesnt wanna heal. . . . Please help ma and what can I do!!! By the way. . .I clean it everyday and do not touch it with dirty hands …only play with it when I was it and thats all . . .oh I also have a hoop in not a barbel I don’t know if that can be something but yea it seems like its pulling it down

Answer #1

Well were you using SEA salt or table salt? Some people use regular table salt and that doesn’t really work.

Emu Oil is a bit expensive, but you can find it a health food or organic stores. It’s just an oil that you can put on wounds, burns, and scars to help them.

Camomile tea bags help a little. You pretty much just make it like you would regular tea. I.E. boil the water and put it in a cup and put the bag in it, but don’t put sugar or anything. Then you can just lay the warm tea bag on your piercing. When it cools down, dunk it back in the cup and put it back on your piercing. You can repeat this for as long as you want. A minimum of 15 minutes is good. This will help the healing process.

Some piercings are just weird. One of the three industrials I have doesn’t want to heal. I’ve had it for at least a year by now, but it just acts up all the time as if it were a fresh piercing. Haha, it’s my fault, though. I’m lazy and all though I know all sorts of tricks I don’t use them. ;) Too lazy ! Good Luck, though.

Answer #2

lol thankyou and I used SEA salt not table salt and im gonn continue the soak tonight and I guess its jjust my body because I got my cartlige pierced november6th of 2009 and STILL its not healed like there not rejecting or ANYTHING I guess my body just doesnt accept it as quick

Answer #3

please mroe details. .!!! like I do the sea salt soaks. . . well I did but it didnt seem to do a change so I stopped!!

Answer #4

You can try doing sea salt soaks or put emu oil on it, or you can buy camomile tea bags and just let one soak on your piercing for fifteen minutes a day.

I’ll go into more details later if you want. Haha Just ask. ;)

Answer #5


Answer #6

Haha, you got your cartilage pierced the day I turned sixteen. =]

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