Why is it when 2 people breakup?

Why is it when two people break up it usually takes about a month and one of the two people always run around bragging about all the things they have accomplished in the last month. Like buying or renting a new house or a new car or just getting a hair cut. It’s almost as if they are trying to prove something. They usually say see I don’t need that person I’m so much better off without them. Then hunny why are you bragging about this now cause if you were half the person then that your claiming to be now maybe they would have stayed with you.

anyone agree or disagree?

Answer #1

I agree totally. In september when I broke up with my girlfirend she was bragging about have done this or done that. At the time we were still talking and she would gossip about all the guys she liked and who she asked out and blah blah blah. I kinda got sick of it. I think its to make the other person realize what they are mising out on or to hurt them in some way. I say pull out the stops. Don’t talk to your exes, don’t hang out at the same places, don’t let your friends talk about them. Its just one big clusterfu@k of frustration.

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