Why is it bother ing me so much?

there is this guy that I liked last yaer, he liked me too. he asked me out I said if you want to, but he never got back to me so I didnt think we were together. so I dater this other guy , the other guy got mad my friend explaned it to him. a week ago he looks down , puts his arms down and kinda waves, and imean he can be happy as a clam but if me or one of my friends say hi he does that. so I asked his friend what was his problem and he said that it was akwad because we just broke up. so now today in the hall he has tape on his mouth and insted of me saying the first hellow he does. what was wit the big change, did he get over me, what?

Answer #1

well, don’t you think he got hurt more than there is a chance that he got over you? you should talk to him and ask why he didn’t get back to you and explain why you dated the other guy. just saying…

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