Why is he so dam confusing?!?

Well I’ve been madly in love with this guy since the moment I first got to know him, but I know he doesn’t love me anymore, but I think there might be a chance to get him back… we’ve broken up twice, once was for 2 days then this time its been almost 3 weeks, and he went on a trip to NC because his little sister had to have surgery and he wrote me a note yesterday wanting to know if I still had any feelings left for him after the horrible thing he did to me (he broke up with me and asked out one of my friends the next day) and he couldn’t get me out of his head the whole time he was gone which was about a week, and he feels horrible… but he never said he still has feelings for me.. and I haveno idea what to make of this note,,, please let me know what you think he means!! :( </3

Answer #1

I Know how you feel, almost same situation with this boy, im still not over him, the best thing to do is probably just ask him out straight, rather than just sorta confuse him out of it, just ask if he likes you or not, I know it may seem hard to do, but you’ll feel better afterwards, trust me, I did it just a few days ago, he gave me an honest answer, which hurt, but I can live with it, if hes happy then im happy,so just ask him, if he says no, then I dunno, if he says yes then that obviously a good sign, let me know how it turned out? hoped this helped

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