Why is he playing with my mind?

This is a long story but I need help! So about 2 months ago me and this guy hooked up at a party, I started to like him afterwards, then told him how I felt but he told me he didn’t feel the same way. So I tried to forget about him, but the other night I was with some friends and we were out in town and he showed up, we had a little to drink but not so much that we were drunk, he then playfully told me to come outside with him even though it was snowing pretty heavily, he then hugged me and then kissed me. Later on we stayed at my friends house and we kissed again and hugged until we fell asleep, but then in the morning he acted as if nothing had happened and we haven’t spoken since. What the hell is going on?? Please help thank you.

Answer #1

Their both right. He is just using you. He knows that you like him, so he knows that he can always run back to you and mess with your head. Try to forget him as hard as it may be.

Answer #2

thank you

Answer #3

Forget the guy,he is just using you to have fun.he does nt deserve your love.pls leave him

Answer #4

Seems like he’s using you for fun.

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