Why Is He Here?

ok so my boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year now and we are really into eachother, like we cant live without eachother. and so we snuck out of our houses to see eachother yesterday… we met up at mijers and we were like making out and stuff… and so when he was like necking me and stuff I look out and I think I see my moms car… so I push him off of me and start running home… and I get a call from my mom and shes like WHERE ARE YOU!? and im like im on my way home… so then me and ny boyfriend are txting and hes like I was gonna ask you something when we were together but I didn’t… and so hes like do you still want me to unzip your pants? and im like yea I guess… so then im at my jazz band concert and were talking all dirty to eachother and im like hey sorry I have to go I love you bye. and he says its ok ttyl ily! bye… and I hate how when I send like 5 txtz about how I love him and stuff he just sends me that. so then I ask him if he just loves me to get me in bed… because thats the only reason this other guy likes me… and then we get into this big fight. so idkif he loves me like he used to or he just loves me because he wants me in bed… please help! (btw this is not lovetrouble this is one of her friends.)


Answer #1

well, like we’ve been dating for a year now and like we have such good times and he always loved me the way someones supposed to when they cant live without you… but in the past couple of weeks hes changed… into this kinda person, and so I don’t know if this applies or not… cause like hes been talking like really dirty to the past couple of weeks… but thanks for the help!


Answer #2

Its obvious he wants to get you in the sack. Physicalness is NOT a sign of affection. He wants sex, and he will do/say whatever you wanna hear to get it. If you dont want boys to USE you, then dont put out!

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