Why is he doing this?

The guy that I use to like and still do but just a little bit… well when we first meet in p.e. we would like hug and talk to eachother and he would hold my hand… and do all these really cute things and I heard severl times that he liked me so I wrote him a note telling him how I felt and asking him how he felt but after that day he never mentioned it… the next week on thursday I asked him t go to the movies with me and a friend and another guy friend and he smiled and said sure.. after that I was sooo super excited! and he told me to give him the information like when and where the next day so I was like ok… on friday I was like ok so I told him the time and place but he was like ohhh sorry I didnt forget but I have to get help from someone and they are leaving tomorrow so I cant go and I was like its ok… and it didnt bug me much… but what does bug me is he sees me in the hallway and looks right at me be doesnt wave, smile, say hi.. and he doesnt hug me anymore :( whats wrong with him why is he doing this to me?

Answer #1

yea you probaly creeped him out…look at your self in the mirrior and pretend you dont know who that person is in the mirrior.and you never seen before..and find out somthing in them that looks like it could use some work…fix it.

Answer #2

Why would it be awkward? so b/c of one little note he is never gonna speak to me again?

Answer #3

maybe he got the note and thinks its awkward now…

Answer #4

I understand if he doesnt like me anymore… but we see each other a lot in the hallways! he dones nothing to aknowledge the fact that im there

Answer #5

thats what I thought at first too… but I feel like whenever I go up to him… I dont know… I feel like he might think im like trying to hard or something…

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