why is he doing this!!!?

this stupid guy I like(I know random) kept on getting on the way when I was gonna ask out this guy!!! its like weird because he almost never hangs out with him!!! that sucks damn it I have BAD LUCK!!! but I still like him a lot!! why do these things always happen to ME? I feel so angry!! why did he do that? freakken hobo, I dont get he almost BEARLY talks to him!! why did he kept on getting in the way today? I dont understand!!! >:-(

Answer #1

lol dont get soo upset. I think you should find out what estaban thinks about you. get some of your friends to ask around. ask out whoever you like the most. I think that hes doing that because he likes you and he found out that you were going to ask out oliver so hes trying to stop it. maybe you should just stop him in the hallway and tell em how you feel. and dont worry if it doesnt work out. all the things that break your heart when your yong are just trying to prepair you for when your older and when you meet your soul mate. the one who you will be with for the rest of your life. so just relax and do what you think is the best choice

Answer #2

He probably didn’t know it. He may have just wanted to talk to his friend for some odd reason.

I don’t think someone is out to get you. Just stay calm and don’t tell ANYONE that you are gonna ask Oliver out, Kay? Word gets around and he could be doing it on purpose if he finds out.

Just stay rational…Don’t worry! You will get there.

Answer #3

Yeah I’m single.

[It was my ex]

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