Why is he being so confusing?

Theres this guy and we’ve been friends for a while and I like him a lot but he keeps giving me mixed signals like saying he loves me then treating me like if he just wants to be friends and he goes back and forth on this a million times and it makes me like ugh depressed Why does he do that??

Answer #1

He’s probably just as confused as you are. In certain moments he may really have strong feelings for you, but at other times he may not feel it as much. And in turn, he may be wondering how this can happen. Either he likes you, or he doesn’t, right?

If he’s anything like me, he’ll figure out sooner or later that just saying that you love someone doesn’t make it true. Acting like you care about somebody doesn’t make you care about them more. Actions should follow feelings, not the other way around.

Anyway, you still shouldn’t let yourself be tugged back and forth by him. You need to tell him straight up that you either need to start being serious, or start seeing other people. This ultimatum may just be the motivation he needs to really understand what he is or is not feeling towards you.

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