Why homosexuals is in herted not adoted say why you disagree?

Its an essay but not sure what to right do you mind helping me its kinda for a project like Thanxxxz’

Answer #1

omg you are not BORN with homosexuality.. I hate when people say this.. Im bisexual and I hate when people say your born gay, its a mental association with what is found attractive and in rare cases it goes against societies expectations but with decrease of the general homophobia of society there was an increase in homosexuality because without that homophobia installed, the mind is free to DEVELOP in whatever way.. when they show me on the human genome the GENETIC CODE responsible for homosexuality Ill believe that it is, infact, genetic (people born with it) but until then I stand firm on the fact that its a developed trait

Answer #2

‘but with decrease of the general homophobia of society there was an increase in homosexuality’

Are you serious? Where is your evidence there is an increase in homosexuality? Not to mention, they’re busy killing people around the world for being gay. In societies where this is the worst possible thing to be exactly how are people going around developing it?

Answer #3

People Are NOT born Gay ! People choose to be that way if People were born gay then God Would Approve of Gay People but he doesnt! Just like a murderer they choose to kill they choose to be a murderer, Just like a Robber they choose to steal its all from Choice, People choose to live their lives Been Gay because their selfish and thats what they want even tough its Disgusting and against god, No one is Born Gay,

Answer #4

Are you trying to ask if people believe that being gay is in you from birth or something you chose to be?

If so…I fully believe that for most people they are born that way. I have many gay friends and I knew before they did (or at least before they admitted it) that they were gay. It would have been no other way for them. Its just WHO they are.

Then there are others who I really think chose to be that way but I cant even begin to give you are reason for that. Some women are raped or molested as a child and then cant be with a man. I dont know. Its deep.

But I fully believe that God created gay people and He loves them just as much as He loves straight people. I believe gay people will go to heaven. And I believe that gay people should have the same exact rights and benefits that straight people get.

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