How can I get him to stop putting me down?

I have been in a relationship with my man for 6 years now and he always talks about my weight i try to lose but it is so hard for me its up and down all the time but he says mean stuff and it really hurts me i become so self consious around him and we argue .. what can i do i love him so much but i am tired of feeling unloved

Answer #1

how does he feel whenever you tell him something that makes him feel like sh*t? i mean im not saying you should do that but im saying to talk about it with him. but being with eachother for 6 yrs seems to me like youve already talked about it and you probably wont leave him. If you seriously like the way he treats you then stay with him but i think everything should be taken into consideration.

Answer #2

The best thing to do is leave him. You should make fun of his bad habits and see what happens,and if he leaves you,well that’s what you should have done along time ago.No one deserves to be put down and takes it. Maybe I am wrong and you like that he is this way to you,so why you b*tching about it?

Answer #3

You say how much you love him, then go on to say your tired of feeling unloved. Sweetie, it takes two people to love, and being disrepectful on his part is not love! If he cant except you for who you are, then hes not the one for you! If he doesnt make you feel good about yourself, then you need to find someone worthy of your love!

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