Why have vampires become so popular?

I need to know why vampires have become so popular I need to explain this so please help I have heard its from twilight is that true

Answer #1

Vampires are real. I dont mean the supernatural pale skinned weirdos. But vampires are people who drink their own or other people’s blood, These people are often considered to be crazy. Rightly so.

Vampires first started being popular about 10 years ago, and became even more popular with the rise of “twilight” and ‘vampire diaries’. They have warped the ideas of vampires from the stereotypical dracula to a hot teenage guy who is completely perfect. Both are wrong.

Answer #2

They started showing up in a lot of new books about 10 years ago or so, and people started snatching them up. Its become a fad, and authors and directors are taking advantage of that to make $$$. Last couple years there has been a flood of books involving vampires. Personally I think Ann Rices books had a lot do to with it, and the movie versions of some of her books.

And there are some good vampire books that have come out recently, but twilight definitively was not one of them. It as a so-so series of books, that has revived WAY more hype than is should have. IMO its pretty much just riding the wave of hype from the other vampire works recently, and will burn itself out shortly.

And its not just vampire books, the whole para-romance genre has gone outa control. I don’t really read much for romance, but my roommate used to work in a book store, and at least 1/2 the romance books there were para-romance.

Another genre that is really booming is the modern para-investigator stuff. Stuff like the Dresden files.

In general the paranormal seems to be selling well currently.

but ya thats my thoughts on it.

Answer #3

started with twilight and now its the new show with vampire diaries. they make vampires look and act hot so I dont blame it for becuming the new thing

Answer #4

because of twilight! I dont like twilight but I do like vampires :]

Answer #5

becos of all the male vampiers are super fucking hot!

Answer #6

They put hot guys to a tract girl play the roles of vampires…

Answer #7

Most likely, presonally I believe is a bunch of BS though but that’s just my opinion.

Answer #8

I dont know but i liked it better when they werent so popular now i kind of just hate that i liked vampires with how stupid people are acting towards it

Answer #9

there are also psychic vampire who take other peoples energy and its not fiction.

Answer #10

YAY vampire dairies FTW Team Jacob :-]]

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