Why have I not had a period in 3months?

I’ve not had my period scince the 5th of december Not even for one day it only lasted one week in december and I’ve not had it scince

Answer #1

Yeah I know what you mean My last period was december 7, 2009 and today its Feb 4, 2010 so I have not had one either, but, I think mine is stress related im a military wife, in a new town, and my hubby’s deployed right now so im very stressed and NO im not pregnant lol. I would advise you though to go to the doctor though they are the experts and know whats best for ya and they may even be able to help you out. Or if there is a possibility of pregnancy I would go and buy a pregnancy test! Whatever happens GOOD LUCK!

Answer #2

well there can be many reasons som inlcude, not eating enough, there for not having enough body weight to sustain having a period or you could be working out to much. if its neither of these things and your young its porbbaly just being irregular which is totally normal. but if your concerned go ask a doctor and they can tell you whats best for you. hope I helped..

Answer #3

Missed periods does not always mean pregnancy. It can be several things. Underweight, Overwegiht, thyroid problems, estrogen levels, stress and various other things. I would go to a doctor to make sure its nothing serious (it usually isn’t serious) and they will but you on birth control for 1 week which usually brings your period back.

Answer #4

your PREGNANT congrats!!!

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