Why have I never had a boyfriend?

I’m 17 years old (18 in two months) and have never had a boyfriend. When I say never had a boyfriend, I mean I’ve never been out with a guy, never been on a date, never kissed a guy. NOTHING! It’s not because I don’t want anything to happen because I do, it’s just never happened to me before… all my friends have had boyfriends before but me. Don’t get me wrong I’m not one of those teen boppers that want boyfriends just because their friends have one, but I’m kinda confused as to why no one’s ever asked me out. I’d just like to know what it feels like for myself, without always being the one who’s handing out the advice to everyone else about their love lives.

Answer #1

maybe you dont like guys just amybe you want to be with a female

Answer #2

Awww I know What you are talking about…I live in a small town filled with (skanky) people. I just stay single its hard some times but it pays off…

Answer #3

Thanks so much you’re so sweet. A little update on me: I am now 18. Still no boyfriend. Haha… we’ll see. I’m starting to think people are just too scared to talk to me. I go to uni and guys tend to avoid me. Like I’ll be sitting in between two girls and there’ll be a guy in front of me and he’ll LITERALLY say hi to them and not even look at me. Dunno.

But thankyou, that was a nice comment.

Answer #4

u just need to put urself out there, at our age (I recently turned 18, which rocks btw finally being able to buy alcohol is sweet ^^) guys wont generally ask you out without knowing your personality, they need to know teh girl before they date her. So it seems the guys you do know arent interested in you, and that’s fine, it just means you need to meet new people. Join a club? maybe a gym? get a job? anything that will put you out there meeting new people. How can you meet Mr. Right if you never meet new people?

im sure if you go out, meet new people, form a connection ull be in a relationship before you know it.

Answer #5

well maybe because you need to have more confidence and be flirty! but always respect your slef!! just go and talk to more guys! and be flirty and dress really cute do your hair smell good guys like that!! good luck your time will come it can even be you just havent met anyone for u!

Answer #6

Thanks for all your advice.

Well I guess I’ll just wait it out/ try to be a bit more talkative. charlieq, thanks for your concern honey, but I’m definitely straight, but nothing against gays I think they’re lovely people :)

Answer #7

Go out clubbing when you are 18 and it will open up a whole new world of available single guys. Yes, some will be just drunk and sleazy, but it will be a good way to practise talking to guys more and you will become more confident at it and therefore more confident in yourself when around guys in general.

Answer #8

im sorta in the same boat im 17 gona turnn 18 in 4 months and I’ve only had 1 girlfriend and that only laste for a month and a half ( it ended not to ling ago) … I bet theres a guy that you know that likes you but hes just shy to say it ( or maby not )… but your only 17 uv still got along time to find the right guy…good luck =-)

Answer #9

I understand how frustrating it can be…I’m a 23 year old guy and I honestly never dated in high school…but when I went to college I fell in love with my sweetheart (although that’s the simple version…it took some poking and prodding to get her to go out with me :P ) but we’ve been together now for almost 3 years and are looking to possibly get married soon. everything happens for a reason, or so they say. just don’t give up hope…I know you have said that you asked a guy out once and he wasn’t interested…but you have to ask more than one guy! just because one guy didn’t want to doesnt mean that there aren’t ten others who will. but the key is you just have to keep trying :)

Answer #10

Thanks ryanbarshack, well I did tell a guy once I liked him and he wasn’t interested… I dunno.

Answer #11

im only 13 but I have had plenty of girlfriends and most guys dont want to ask a girl out because of what the answer there going to get so just hang out with someone if you like them ask them urself its so much more relieving for a dude

Answer #12

Maybe the people your talking to you feel you havent clicked with, just means keep talking. The worst thing that can happen is you will only make new friends and thats a good thing, the best thing is you’ll find that one lad who has something all the others didn’t :)

Answer #13

im in the same boat as you. well the other way round obviously. I have never being kissed. so I am a virgin. I have had a girlfriend but she was about that A FRIEND. we broke it off cause she kept cheating on me. (2 guys over 3 days). which made it hard cause we worked together. but I’m sure there is a guy out there for you as there is a girl out there for me. and everyone else in the same predicament

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