Why doesn't he like me?

Look guys, thanks for the info but this one’s definately a keeper. I’ve been in other relationshiops that didn’t work out and I knew why. Sorry but this on’es different. I go to an all girl school and so it’s really hard to find boyfriends. And this guy was just the shit to me! I can’t just forget about him. No matter how hard I try. Everything i see and every song i hear reminds me of us and what we had. I need more advice help!!!!!!!

Answer #1

I know this is very hard and very hurtful… but he’s a jerk…and it’s his loss and you need to take the high road. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get out and social with others…soon you will meet someone new and these feeling of hurt will lessen…I know Ive been there myself….and with each new guy the first one fades away more…but I won’t lie and tell you your first love will alway be a little bit a part of you cause they…the first make a very deep scar and scars never go away completely…. So move on girl….get out….it’s hard but you can do it…just don’t sit around listening to the radio and makin your self sick….best revenge on a guy who dumps you is to find someboday cuter….taller…and treats you a lot better…and then let it be known…. I’ve done that too…. so make plans for the weekend and move on girl!

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