Why does "x" stand for kiss

Why does “X” stand for kisses, and “O” for hugs??? how are they different? How did this even come to mind? WHo even made it up? Thanks!

Answer #1

I tend to think about this sometimes.. But I don’t know the answer! Sorry c(:

Answer #2

X stands for kisses because it is supposedly the shape of a persons lips when they kiss. Also, in early times people who did not know how to write signed their name with an X and kissed it to show their sincerity. An O stands for hugs because the shape of arms around a person is roughly the shape of an O, and also because Jewish immigrants who did not wish to discriminate against God by using the turned shape of cross signed with an O instead of an X

^^ Wiki answers

Answer #3

Why did it put this in “LOve and Relationships”???

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