Why does she do this??

I’m 15 and me and my mum never really get on. I was bored because skools finsihed and my parents’ anniversary is this friday so I thought I’d bake a cake early for them. So I did and washed up. My mum came home and started to moan about how the house was a mess and I sed happy aniversary early and she goes “so its jsut a cake” it took me 3 goes to do it and she doesn’t even say thank you or thts nice of you. Seriously I’m on the verge of walking out with my suitcase and savings book and just getting away from leeds.

Answer #1

Well, when you go to bed one night, try and write one, and in the morning just leave it in the kitchen or something! Shes bound to go in there right ? xx

Answer #2

Im sorry to hear about this! Not everyone can get along. But you have to get it through to your mum that your just trying to be helpful and make an effort. Try writing a letter, about all of your feelings, to your mum. And leave it somewhere shes bound to look, for example on her bed or something. And see what she says. Message me back on what the outcome is, Hope everything goes ok, Charlotte xxx

Answer #3

ok I thinm its sweet what you did for her & I hate mom & dad too lol then wont even let me talk to my boyfriend

Answer #4

parents…I hate it whenu try to do something nice and they totally ignore it.

Answer #5

I feel yaaa.

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