Why does my hair do this?

Well I have my hair kinda long, it goes past my nose, and I like it. It’s basically an afro but I basically wet it before I go anywhere so it goes down because that is my preference. But when I do so the hair on the top and sides of my head are like curly and nice and all together, but on the back of my head they are just random hairs going anywhere and everywhere and they dread up on their own. I’ve been brushing my hair and using shampoo and conditioner. But it just stays like the way it is.. what am I to do? I want my hair to be the same all the way around but no matter what the hair on the back of my head stays dry and crunchy feeling. Is there a way I can fix this?

Answer #1

Hot oil treatments…you get them from hair salons… or just use double the amount of conditioner on that bit of hair… or there are special shampoos and conditioners you can buy for dry hair… Xo:)

Answer #2

Go to a barber shop and ask about it.

Answer #3

Take an oil bath

Answer #4

hmm. . . maybe you should deep condition it and you olive oil.

Answer #5

Your hair is showing you which hair you brush most, those are the ones not as curly as the rest. Apart from protein treatments etc, not much you can do but cut it and re-grow. Good luck.

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