Why does my boyfriend think im blanking him?

Im a shy, quiet person so everytime my boyfriend says ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ I smile back and say nothing because I class smiling as a hello. But he thinks im blanking him which isnt good! I know I should say something back but What??

Answer #1

Communication is the key to any good relationship. You have to show interest or he will think that you dont like him and your trying to ignore him or you dont want your friends finding out about him. You got let him know that you like being around him. a relationship is a two way street and you both got make a effort

Answer #2

Well, a simple ‘hi’, ‘hello’, ‘hey’ or something of that variation plus your smile would be a good first step. If you have time to talk, just say ‘what’s up’, ‘how are you’, etc. Basically, make simple conversation. As a quiet, shy person as well, I know that being vocal isn’t always easy, but you’ll get used to it the more you do it.

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