Why does it seem like a lot of girls are straightening their hair?

It seems like a lot of girls are straightening their hair. what’s wrong with curly hair? I naturally have curly hair and like it straight every once in a while but having it straight ALL the time is boring (to me). is it because you can comb it easier?

(this isn’t about people with naturally straight hair)

Answer #1

I have naturally super curly hair like Taylor Swift’s. It’s sooo much easier having straight hair and I think it looks better[:

Answer #2

I have naturaly wavey hair, and its REALLY ugly when its not straightend. its just all over. when I straighten it, it makes it pretty, and I love straight hair<3!

Answer #3

my hair is wavy I guess? unless I dont brush it as soon as I get out of the shower, its a curly mess. mine is easy to straighten bc I have thin hair. I WISH I had natural curly hair, I think its very pretty. I just look better with straight hair. some girls do, some girls dont. its not a big deal if you dont straighten it. if you have curly hair, then wear it proud. bc many girls cant get the curly look. thats when they turn to the straightners. personally, I think curly hair is better. its natural.

Answer #4

I straighten mine every day, unless I’m just going to throw it up in a bun. But my hair is still in good shape. You just need to take care of it. I have a conair straightener, it works really good and doesnt hurt your hair. Plus I use hair lotion, either ice slicker or Beyond the zone pro formula. My hair doesn’t look bad, I wash it with head and shoulder and I use a handful of conditioner. I get compliments on it everyday. But I look better with straight hair, thats why I do it. My hair still looks clean and shiny, and it’s soft. its not fried and stuff. like I said, I straighten it every day…

Answer #5

Curly hair is very pretty, but it’s fun to switch it up sometimes, and then your hair is smoother and a bit more manageable for a day.

Answer #6

Lol, I’m one of those girls, well I don’t straighten it everyday just a lot of days. Because my hair is naturally wavy and it looks really weird on me, and I think I look prettier with straight hair, also I don’t have curling tongs ): But for other people it’s different, I think it’s just their style and it’s easier to comb.

Answer #7

My hair is naturally curly, like… seriously. And I love it but to keep it the way I want it takes so much effort and sometimes I get lazy so I just straighten it. Also I have hair just past my shoulders [its too short, don’t cut it that short! Trust me!] so it looks better for it. Also, straight hair just matches my kinda emo/punk style, I dunno why but it just works better. Don’t worry about it anyways. Its what they want, and what you want is different and that’s okay. Just wait when curly hair will be “the new fashion” and people get jealous of you ; )

Answer #8

I have naturally very very curly hair like a fro. and with my type of face it just doesnt look good. Also when I leave my hair natural for a few days the curls start to collect into dreads in the back of my head. I can barely run a pick thru it let alone a brush. and so thats my reason for straightening.

Answer #9

my hair is naturally wavy, but I straighten my bangs and the front sides of my hair everyday, cause if I didnt, it would look absolutely horrible. lol

Answer #10

Well it always seems that girls with naturally curly hair want straight hair and the ones with naturally straight hair want curly hair. A lot of girls just prefer straight hair I guess. But curly hair can look really nice. I really like wavy hair personally

Answer #11

I no !!! evry1 does that at my skoool they straighten their hair evry dam day !!! lol even when its raining . I don’t striaghten it soo dam much as they do your hair can get really messd up like that .

Answer #12


Answer #13

I have naturally wavy hair.. it looks great, but gets tangled like no tomorrow.. so when I brush it.. POOF. I just find it easier to straighten and it feels smoother and better :D

Answer #14

I LOVE my hair when its straight!

Answer #15

prob cause star always have their hair straight people just try to b copycats

Answer #16

I know I love curly hair, damn those hair product manufacturers and their ads.

Answer #17

I always thought curly hair was prettier because it ‘bounces’ =P

Answer #18

Sheesh…I don’t know. I LOVE curly hair! Mine is curly. To the girl with the wavy hair: Don’t brush your hair!! Gently comb with a wide-tooth comb before washing.

Straight hair gets boring after a while, and I hardly ever straighten! I love my precious curls!

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