Why does it burn when I pee?

I’ve noticed that lately its burned when I pee,and then when I Wipe.I’ve also noticed a difference in discharge,its kind of clumpy,and thick,but not like cottage cheese as they say when you have a yeast infection. I really dont know how to explain the discharge,bt it sjust different. Im not sexually active at this time,but I Was orally a while back. I was treated for a yeast infection before,but I still dont think its a yest infection.

Answer #1

I was just wondering why dose it kida burn after I pee but it gos away shortly after I wipe and get done but I am also finding myself going more and more .I was just wondering if anyone knows whats wroung but im afrade to go to the docters.so I was hoping someone could tell me whats amatter? please help me . thanks

Answer #2

I am currntley have the same problem and I am telling you to get it checked because when you have a uti and leave it uuntreated it leads into your kidneys getting infected this hurts worse then the uti. My advice is to go to the doctor as a am going to try to do tomorrow. when the uti goes to the kidney it leads into most likley getting a uti everytime after you have your period. dont worry it is not bad just make sure you see your doctor and uti and yeast infection are not a sexually trensmitted dease so you can not pass it on. so have these anser suck and the only advice somone can give you is go to the doctors.

Answer #3


Sounds to be like you have a bladder infection. Which you will have to go to your doctor for to get some antibiotics. I just got over one not to long ago, but I went right when it started so it wasn’t that bad. The longer you wait, the more its going to hurt, so go get checked right now and get taking pills for it!!


Answer #4

sounds like a yeast infection or trichomonous(spelled wrong) but anti-biotics will clear both.

Answer #5

I currently have something similar to this. It varies throughout the day but eventually it slightly burns when I pee, and my discharge has no smell and not cottage-cheese appearing. I had the same symptoms before and got better by drinking cranberry juice and tons of water. Not to mention some PROBIOTIC yogurt to bring the good bacteria into my vag again.

My boyfriend and I had sex last weekend and we used a condom, but I’m starting to wonder if I might be allergic to latex or not.

Answer #6

Go to a doctor, it’s either an STD or UTI you need to treat it before it gets to bad and you have to stay in the hospital.

Answer #7



Answer #8

I think you have a bladder infection. Have you told any one else?

Answer #9

You need to go see a doc. You may have more than one infection. Contrary to the common belief that oral sex is not really sex…well thnk again. You can get nasty infections from the bacteria in the mouth, and viruses. You may have any number of infections, and the sooner you go to a doc and find out, the sooner you will get beter, and the less likely hood of permanent damage from an untreated infection.

Answer #10

Hey, well I tend to get them a lot, once after taking the anti-biotics which didnt work I got a full blown kidney infection from the bladder infection. and what I have found out is that, though the pills should work. if you cant get to a doctor right away, the old wives trick works just as well and just as fast.

go to your local food store or health food store and purchase 100% squeezed cranberry juice (not ocean spray, not from concentrate, I mean bitter to the tongue squeezed cranberry juice)it will actually kill any all all infection in the urinary tract, liver, kidneys and in the intestine and stomach. drink atleast 2 330ml bottles and you should be fine. (do not dilute the drink and dont drink water while drinking the cranberry juice, no food nothing to dilute it. ul feel a lot better.

Answer #11

when I was little it burned when I peed and it was because I was allergic to applejuice rotfl.

Answer #12

Seriously you should get check at soon as possible, I can be anything…It can be an infeccion or I can be some kind of sexuality transmitted disease but don’t worry maybe is just an infeccion…Maybe who ever or what ever they stick in your vagina was infected or not right cleaned soo maybe next time that you have sex with who ever. Make sure they wash there fingers right and what ever they stick there and you won’t have that problem anymore.

Good Luck and take care of you and your infeccion

Answer #13

Your profile says you’re male but from the questions you’ve asked previously, I can see that you’re female.

You def. have an infection - it could still be a yeast infection or it could be something like trich. Doesnt have to be from a sexual contact. Yeast infections can be very stubborn sometimes, especially if they’ve been left with no treatment for a long time. Best to get a swab done, though, because yeast will get treated by an antifungal, and most other infections (bacterial) will need an antibiotic. If you take the wrong one, it can make the condition even more irritating.

Now, here’s the problem. It’s quite common for a woman to get a yeast infection after taking antibiotics. Lets say you had a sore throat or a cold and it turned into something nasty, ear infection, throat infection… the doctor gives you a huge dose of some broad-spectrum antibiotic like tetracycline. You take it all, like you’re supposed to, but it throws the balance off inside your vagina. Your vagina is more acidic, and I think the antibiotics make it more alkaline (check your chemistry text books, lol) SO — my advice is, whenever you get prescribed antibiotics, ask for an antifungal or pick up an Over the Counter medication for yeast, like Monistat or Canesten.

Good luck!

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