Why does he change?

I’ve recently started seeing someone. I wanted to see him first because I’ve had bad relationships in the past and wanted to take things slow. He has told me he loves me and wants to be with me but I didnt believe him and then he proved it to me and I 100% believe him. The thing is he will talk to girls and flirt with them and be like quite off with me at times and I have no idea why. If he loved me why would he be like this ?

Answer #1

how did prove it to you? that depends, if it was something really sweet, maybe it was true , something drastci mybe not! He probably is just trying to show to you that he can get others girls, proving he is not cmmmited?

Answer #2

its probke because a lot of guys arnt good at comit ments so yeaah try to put more spark in your relation ship and see what happend mabey he just wants a chase you know

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