y do you think miley cyrus is ugly?? (inside and out)

Answer #1

She has horrible teeth ugly face.. everything about her is babyish, immature, and to be honest she’s a total douche bag. She might seem sweet but she’s a bi*ch and everyone knows it except her little 2 year old fans.. thats my bashing.

Answer #2

mley is ok but little bit over her head

Answer #3

shez hideous on the outside AND even WORSE on the inside. she really is a fake person, and she doesn’t really care about her 5 year old fanbase.

Answer #4

cause she has such a big mouth and her eyes and ears makes her look like an elephant…and her face seems a big cake, she is not as pretty as selena or demi

Answer #5

Shes not ugly just average with weird teeth. In my opinion shes much cuter as blonde than with black hair. Maybe in a couple of years she will sort herself out.

Answer #6

I dont think that she is pretty… all I know is she is filthy rich..

Answer #7

I think the outside is ugly. the inside seems okay though.

Answer #8

because she is!!

Answer #9

She has a little sqashed face, brittle, died hair and a big nose.

Answer #10

Miley is not an ugly person inside OR out. I love Miley, & ithink she’s a really great person!

Answer #11

miley cyrus is ugly a lot on the outside and inside. It sounds awful I mean ther are nice things about her-but mostly ugly things. Ugly things on her appearance are: her teeth are awful-she has big gums, her nose is really short and squidgy, her eyes seriously give me the creeps and her face is fat. The other ugly things about her are that she actually looks much better in her hannah montanna wig and she doesnt care that she luks like an ugly tramp and that little girls are looking up to her and she wont apologise for this-she has no respect, class or dignity. I mean she doesnt even TRY-especially when she is untalented and knows shes onli famous because of her dad. she luks like rubbish without makeup on, and really ugly in some pics-but quite pretty in others-but mostly minging. thats why she is ugly

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