Why do you have a problem with emos?

Why do you have a problem with emos? Why do you even care! Why do you treat me like an out cast? Because I dress,act,talk,look diffrent than you!!! Tell me why!!! What is your opinion?

Answer #1

I agree with ‘foshizzlemanizzle’

god, people aren’t tins of soup, they don’t need labels! Why should you try and fit onto a category when you can just be yourself instead?

Emo is the most overused stereotype ever. Most people associate it with cutting and skinny jeans, and its annoying tbh :/

Answer #2

awww thay shouldnt they should mind their own buissness their just normal people!!!

Answer #3

It has nothing to do with you personally but… to tell you the truth… its not just the other “clicks”. The “emo” kids are just as mean towards the other stereotypes yet they sit around complaining about getting picked on. I think its all lame, everyone should just be themselves and stop discriminating against the other “clicks”.

Answer #4

Regardless of how hot emo chicks can be, I hate them because they’re just like any other lame high school social category, but worse, because instead of just shopping at several popular name brand stores, they accessorize with frivolous crap, they express so much hate for all the preps and crap who all ‘dress the same’ and then try and rebel against that by all dressing the same, and pretend that ‘emo’ is some huge important fashion statement and way of life that’s taking the world by storm and that they’re collectively becoming something when it’s not, and they’re not.

But the MAIN reason I hate emos is the fact that it revolves around three key pillars of emoness: complaining, taking everything for granted, and listening to crappy music.

Answer #5

people have problems with emos cause the need someone to direct their anger at and they think hey lets pick on emo kids we know well get a reaction we want its people like that that make kisd do things the really dont want to do like take highschol online cause your to scared to go to school where your known as the stupid emo fag who needs to do everyone a favor and kill himself and cause he gets beat up almost daily im not even emo man but yeah ummm thats why kids pick on emo kids cause they are really sensitive, badly tereotyped, and know they will get a reaction.

Answer #6

People have issues with emos becuase emos have issues with them. Emos tend to think that everyone is against them and it’s just not an attractive way to live.

Answer #7

because you treat your selfz so bad ] =

Answer #8

I dont know… I walk down a street and they point and make stupid comments!!! like go cry in a corner emo kid.. they dont know what goes on in our heads!! yah we talk act. dress and see the world different. but that dont mean shat!!!

I hope all stops and I agree with YOU!! poeple should just mind there own biz niz!!~~~

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