Why do women hold grudges?

Why? Lol, I dont get it and Im a girl. I’ve had people yell at me. I try and fix things yet tey still hate me o.O And normally its over something stupid or a misunderstanding, I dont hold grudges and yeah. Women are confusing. lol.

Answer #1

Well I guess its depends on what the person dose to me and who they are. Like for ex: My X Best friend she went behind my bake and did something I would have never did to her. That made me hold a grudge just b/c she called her self my Best Friend. Now I’m over that but at first I was mad azz hell!!!

Answer #2

I think it has to do with the type of person you are, if you can forgive somebody for doing you wrong, but someone else can not forgive you, then do you really want them as a friend. It is all based on no one is perfect and if you have people around you that think they are then you will be having some real problems with them in the coming future. I say live and let live, but do not be someones doormat. The old saying is fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I hope that helps, Ana

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