Why Do Weee.

Why Do we listen to sad music when we are sadd. :( Plus,I went through a break up and the songs me and my ex listened to.I cant really listen to with out thinking about him :( Eh,This SUCKS. But I LalalaLOVE MUSIC <3

Answer #1

Well you cant avoid listening to love music so just go ahead and play it the whole day for yourself,it will only make a stronger you.SORRY FOR THE BREAK UP but thats life.You just have to stand up and move forward.

Answer #2

Most people listen to it because it shows them why they’re sad and that person soon forgets why they are it also helps you to let go of the feelings towards that person or thing.

Answer #3

I listen to sad music when im sad, because it helps me reflect on the thing thats making me sad and then I feel much better after. and sorry to hear about the break up x

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