Why do people underestimate me?

I am 13, but I look like I’m like 11. Because of this, people at my school think they can push me around. I HATE IT. I go to the gym daily and I’m very strong, and some stupid Senior found this out (I kinda knocked him out). Now I have a bad reputation, when all I wanted was respect! I tried to clear the fact that I was only defending myself (this is true, he punched me in the gut first, it hurt), but nobody’s listening! I got what I wanted, but I didn’t want anyone to get hurt!!! HELP???

Answer #1

Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase “ speak softly and carry a big stick “. Everyone knows now that you carry a big stick. Go back to the way you use to be. Dont react to their looks and comments. Show them you still have the other side of you and you would rather not be aggressive. When I asked a martial arts black belt why he learned Karate, he said, “So I never have to use it.”. You have gained the desired confidence you wanted, the respect will come with tolerance and patience. You have altered their perceived concept of who you are. You are out of character according to the “ old you “. Give them time to accept the new you.

Answer #2

Wow, I can’t believe ppl still do that. I’ve always looked younger than my age. People always made comments a/b how “young” I look. I’m 20 but look 13. It doesn’t bother me though b/c when I’m 30 i’ll look 23, 40 i’ll look 33, and eventually, the ppl that did make fun of me for looking young when they looked their age, will finally look like their real age and i’ll look 7-10 years younger than them. haha, it really never bothered me, I always just looked at the future. I think you did the right thing. respect will come.

Answer #3

I think you did the right thing. Now nobody will bother you. I think you shouldnt worry about what people think about you and do good in school. Thats all that really matters. Eventually youll find a good friend. Just try not to act all that. Walk and dont look at anybody. Just be yourself for a while and then try to make friends. If they dont belive you, forget them. Or find a counselor!

Answer #4


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