Why do people think smoking pot is so bad?

Why do so many people think that it is bad to smoke pot ? I do it everyday and love it. I graduated on honor roll and went to college and I have been doing it since 7th grade

Answer #2

I met people who have smoked pot every day for decades yet are as lucid and cogent as anyone you would ever meet. I met other people who after 6 months of hard pot use were complete stoners who weren’t good for anything else. it really does seem to affect different people differently.

I don’t think that pot is good but I don’t think it is that bad either. Cigarettes and alcohol ruin a lot more lives and kill more people than marijuana does.

I’m against recreational drug laws because the best I can tell the laws do more harm than good. Our jails are so full of non-violent drug offenders serving long mandatory sentenses that we are letting murderers and rapists free early. Drug laws make drugs so expensive and lucritive to sell that the trade attracts organized crime and the associated violence. Expensive drugs also make users resort to crime to support their habit. The first step toward a sane drug policy is to treat addicts like victims instead of criminals.

Answer #3

okay so smoke it everyday. I see your born in 89` that makes you 19? correct. Pot is a bad thing, and you say you go to college, when you graduate from college… chances are your job that you majored in will require a polygraph. they ask you questions like have you ever don drugs or smoked pot. If you answer truthfully you probably wont get the job, and if you lie… well when it shows up. your screwed. use your brain darling.

Answer #4

Be above the influence.

Answer #5

My Answer to it..its bad..haha.. My brother Started doing it..and hes 27 and its took him down the wrong path.. It causes so many things. I mean doesnt it scare you to know the affects you may get in the long run…??

Answer #6

I think marijuana should be legal for people that are retired. my only problem with it is that it robs people of their ambition. I think if you worked for 50 years and you want to sit on your couch, smoke a joint, and laugh at cartoons, you should be able to.

Answer #7

“amblesssed”… if you know where you are getting your MJ from, you know whats in it… and there are no other drugs in it because it is completly natural if all you’re getting is straight bud. wow, you are a dumba*s. You’ve probably never even smoked.

Answer #8

I don’t think that smoking pot is like “bad” but I’ve seen WAY too many people get into trouble over it & I think it’s just stupid. & People are always saying “ I won’t get caught “ Well, even the people who do it ‘ responsibly ‘ get caught sometimes. Yeah, it doesn’t really affect school or daily life, but it’s ILLEGAL. That’s why people think it’s so bad. That’s not exacly why I personally think it’s so bad - I only think it’s bad for people to do it because of all the trouble they get into over it, which could have been very easily been avoided!

Answer #9

holy fack. haha that shiit aint bad. I love it, do it everyday. I think that shiit helps me in school even. who ever doesn’t do it because they think it is “bad”. they should definatly try it then come back and say what they think of it. im all bout going out for the LEGALIZING MARIJUANA. 4:20 all the fackin way!!


Answer #10

amblessed you are fuckin dumb if it was so bad why do doctors prescribe it for medical use all around the u.s for chronic headaches, cancer, arthritis, insomnia, the list goes on and on and those people are doing better with it then without. cig are addictive pot is not. it is actually healthier than a cig. it does not cause cancer and you could never over dose on it you need to quit copy and pasting shit onto here thinking you know it all and go do a little more reasearch

Answer #11

This opinion is coming from somebody who doesn’t even smoke pot (me obviously)… I don’t think smoking pot is bad if you do it responsibly. Sometimes people start smoking it so much they become a totally different person and thats when something needs to be done about it. It all depends on the person, if you be smart about it then theres nothing wrong with smoking it. As long as its not changing the way you would normally do things or change the way you live your life, its all good. Thats just my opinion though. Congrads. on the honor roll by the way.

Answer #12

it’s not bad. people just associate it with bad things. it’s no worse than smoking cigarettes just because of the amount that people smoke those in. even though cigarettes aren’t quite as bad for you, it all evens out because if you smoke pot once or twice a day, it’s not nearly as bad as smoking a whole pack of cigs.

Answer #13

pot is not bad at alll people what are you talking about?! cigs are soo much worse for you than pot is! weed is gooodd:]

Answer #14

The government thinks it bad,so that’s why most people do.I believe it’s only illegal because it can’t be taxed.Not for what effects it has on a person.Sure some people are dumb and don’t know where their pot comes from,so it might be laced with other things.Which makes some people believe that all pot can make you act stupid.I’ve been around potheads for the pass 7 years. I think it’s funny how everyone says it’s so bad for you,blah blah blah.Well everyone I know who smokes pots has graduated college or is in college right now.I think it depends on the person who’s smoking, did they always lack ambition?It’s always easier to blame a substance then yourself.Of the potheads I know only one is still doing the same thing he was doing in high school,and that’s because of his laziness,not the pot.

Answer #15

how can people who’ve never smoked it sit here and say all the bad things about it? they cant, and I know the pot isnt as bad as people makes it seem, because I do it all the time, and a lot of my close friends do to, and theres nothing wrong with it. yeah, in the long run it could increase your chance of cancer, etc, but so can cigarettes and alchol, and those are legal.

but whatever. I smoke, I drink, and I’m still healthy, and I’ve been doing it for quite sometime. :)

Answer #16

People have been brainwashed by the media, school, false medical studies and other braiwashed people to think that pot is bad for you.

Answer #17

you may be doing ok now,but maybe not in 10 years,maybe not when you in da hospital bed cryin because you got cancer.

Answer #18

The cigarette and alcohol companies have a lot of money in the government. So that’s why it’s illegal and everyone thinks it’s “bad.”

xox Sika

Answer #19

Amblessed is actually accurate…

Answer #20

amblessed is an idiot. look at the link you gave. its a .gov link. of course the gov thinks its bad…because theyre not taxing it yet!

Answer #21

its all due to “bad jousnalism”

lol dont listen to what people tell u, its all misleading information you need to do your own research and see for urself

These are some of the comments I have copied from a forum

-pharmaceuticals are known to kill more people than illegal drugs

-marijuana is the number 1 cash crop in the world it serves as a natural medicine and has many other uses thats why they prohibited it so big companies can make more profit thanks to “bad journalism”

-can also help aids patients, aids diminishes appetite have them smoke a joint and they regain their appetite counteracting the illness

-no one can die from smoking cannabis and has been no known deaths compared to everything else including alcohol, tobacco, etc..

I myself have asthma and smoking opens up my airways making it easier to breathe with no side effects when medically legalized in my state I look foward to becoming a patient for prescription marijuana. 12 states have already legalized it along with other countries in the world and more following my job is to educate people that are not aware of the plants uses


-I did most of my research through websites, books, magazines, and the news norml.org high times magazine etc..

  • theres more to it than just getting high and I believe legalizing it would make this a better world to live in

-God bless the whole crop!

  • and for people that dont smoke, you dont need to smoke it to support it

-all the better reason for the government to legalize.. couple reasons why it should be legalized: -will be removed from black market and stop empowering gang members -medical reasons -would be sold like alcohol, remember alcohol was once prohibited too (in stores away from children, have to be 21+) -would be a law that you cant drive while intoxicated on weed -prison population would lower (prisons are overcrowding with nonviolent offenders) -keep patients from being convicted -would provide millions of jobs for people -would make us an independent country (fuel, etc.., debt free america)

people with an addiction (including hard drugs) shouldnt be thrown in jail, they need help theres more people in jail with mental illnesses than there are in mental institutions

the list goes on

  • the War on Drugs is a failure, its a war on its own people. policies need to be changed we pay billions in taxpayers money to keep the war going and neither side is winning thats just a waste of our tax money I wonder what they do with all that money.. those greedy bastards just sell drugs back onto the street, you can even check urself on that there was a time when there was a cia operation transporting drugs overseas into america the government also provided Rick Ross with plenty of heroin to go around, course making money from it

the truth must be exposed, theyre dirty work must stop!

-Of course we can do something about it, we all just need to unite screw the federal government remember slavery? if no one stood up im pretty sure it would still be going on people were tortured, beaten, killed and thrown in jail but that didnt stop them standing up for their rights eventually slavery was abolished same with alcohol prohibition eventually became re-legalized

  • its like theres some kind of conspiracy going on I sense the government is up to no good and trying to control us. credit cards, money, and now they have chips that can be implanted in skin for uselful reasons but if in the wrong hands well were pretty much fuct they hiding the truth from us its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they got theyre privacy but we dont. they want to know everything were doing on our leisure time

get up stand up!

  • marijuanas not anti-establishment because its illegal, its illegal because its anti-establishment

all facts stated have been double-checked and confirmed want to learn more? norml.org americandrugwar.org hightimes.com lets all make this a better place to live in!

Answer #22

Marijuana affects your brain. THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) affects the nerve cells in the part of the brain where memories are formed.

Marijuana affects your self-control. Marijuana can seriously affect your sense of time and your coordination, impacting things like driving. In 2002, nearly 120,000 people were admitted to emergency rooms suffering from marijuana-related problems, an increase of more than 139 percent since 1995.

Marijuana affects your lungs. There are more than 400 known chemicals in marijuana. A single joint contains four times as much cancer-causing tar as a filtered cigarette.

Marijuana affects other aspects of your health. Marijuana can limit your body’s ability to fight off infection. Long-term marijuana use can even increase the risk of developing certain mental illnesses.

Marijuana is not always what it seems. Marijuana can be laced with other dangerous drugs without your knowledge. “Blunts”–hollowed-out cigars filled with marijuana–sometimes have substances such as crack cocaine, PCP, or embalming fluid added.

Marijuana can be addictive. Not everyone who uses marijuana becomes addicted, but some users do develop signs of dependence. In 1999, more than 220,000 people entered drug treatment programs to kick their marijuana habit.

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