Why do people think I'm a slut because of what I wear (im 14 btw)?

I wear tan tops and guys always stare at my chest. its not my fault so why do they call me that? do you people think im a slut?(ima upload a pic tomorrow so you could answer me btw)

Answer #1

— But she also much take responsibility for it as well. If you dress like a hooker and someone thinks you are a hooker…thats your own fault. Dont dress like a slut and no one will think you are a slut. —

Soloartist, please, please do not tell me, you think it is a woman’s fault if the way she dresses encourages horny, hormone driven guys to molest or rape her???…Why can’t a female dress the way she wants too? …If a person wants to dress provocatively and is comfortable to do so and is not acting like a wh-ore, why should she be penalise for her clothes sense?

If some guys do get turned on by the way a female dresses, then it is HIS fault and HE needs to address it, not the female who is wearing skimpy - ‘hooker’ clothing…Nobody deserves to be called a name because they dress differently. What is hip and acceptable for you, maybe quite fugle (ugly) and out-dated for most of us.

Also, the poster is 14, so what!!!…Most teenagers are well developed with large boobs (the lucky ones) and most tank tops are acceptable in every venues in the United States, Australia, UK, and Europe’s cafe, cinemas, restaurants and family get-togethers.

Answer #2

Soloartist, please, please do not tell me, you think it is a woman’s fault if the way she dresses encourages horny, hormone driven guys to molest or rape her???…Why can’t a female dress the way she wants too? …If a person wants to dress provocatively and is comfortable to do so and is not acting like a wh-ore, why should she be penalise for her clothes sense?

If some guys do get turned on by the way a female dresses, then it is HIS fault and HE needs to address it, not the female who is wearing skimpy - ‘hooker’ clothing…Nobody deserves to be called a name because they dress differently. What is hip and acceptable for you, maybe quite fugle (ugly) and out-dated for most of us.

Also, the poster is 14, so what!!!…Most teenagers are well developed with large boobs (the lucky ones) and most tank tops are acceptable in every venues in the United States, Australia, UK, and Europe’s cafe, cinemas, restaurants and family get-togethers.

Well, I’m not quite too sure about that one. If you see a woman showing way too much skin off, she’s definitely trying to put out a message for herself. The apple is appealing to the eye, remember that.

Answer #3

dont make another username kitty cus I think that people judging others by their name is ghey…

if your mates think your sexy be proud…

but anyway… you got ya pics yet in ya tank top so I can be honest about if I was a teenage boy how I would see you? :)

Answer #4

seems like. You seem like a snot…sorry. But your name is Sexykitty…that’s portraying an image, hon. Wow, hate to be in your shoes!

Answer #5

OK PEOPLE you GUYS KEEP TALKING ABOUT MY NAME SO IMA TELL you A STORY OK…n0w I spelled it wrong its posed to b tank top and I didnt even make this my friends were cracking up when they found this site and they made an account under my name and made it sexy kitty on everything else I am Emo_tional101 and I hate this name and you cant freakin change it so I think im gonna make a new one of theses with adiff name and give this 1 to mah big sis I hope that explains my name to you people btw im serious I HATE IT!!! >:(

Answer #6

um sorry to say it but it wouldnt be because your cute.. if you have tits and your wearing something that shows them.. guys will look regardless of what you look like.. some girls dress like that because they like the attention(even tho they deny it and act all innocent).. not saying sexykitty is doing it.. this is more to snugglekitty’s response..

Answer #7

ok so there is a lot for this question and I dont want to read it all to make sure Im not repeating what someone has already said.. As long as your not sleeping with random guys you dont really know.. then your not a slut.. that simple… people throw around the words ‘slut’ and ‘wh*re’ wayyy too much.. you may be a tease and if you dont put out and guys call you that then thats just them.. pouting (for lack of a better word) :P

Answer #8

drops head in hands and sighs

if a woman wants to show some skin it doesnt make her a slut…

I know women that work 5 days a week 8am till 7pm and wear full suits to work..

it doesnt make them a slut or to be putting a message out there about themselves if come the weekend they want put something a lil less heavy on and go dancing with mates in a club…

Answer #9

PMSL…Steady there Clawjaw, we don’t want you drooling like a saliva dripping puppy viewing sexykitty101’s ample rakes in her low cut tank top.

If people are calling you a s— (sorry, I hate that word) because the way you dress, then ignore them or tell them to piss off… Obviously these name calling idiots are just jealous because you wear your tank tops well and have big boobs to fill out the top part of the tank top.

If people are calling you a s— because of the way you dress and you act on it, for example, by sleeping with guys or letting guys touch or crack onto you, then yes, being a tart is not very flattering for your image.

Answer #10

umm I don’t know if I wear it in a way I jut wear tank tops wit skinny jeans and sometimes I deny guys that ask me out lol but not usually

Answer #11

I will put off commenting 100% till I see a pic of you in your school clobber :p

I dont think your a slut because you wear tank tops… I think tank tops are very nice and really show a birds figure off

if people are calling you a slut its prob cus they dont have a figure and you know what spotty teenagers are like…

if they cant have it or havent got it they will insult it ;)

its just jealousy

Answer #12

Maybe you should try to cover up around guys. Their hormones are off the wall at this age so the more you show, the more they look, which means the more you look like a slut. Its alright to wear tank tops around your girl friends, but it makes you look bad when you wear it around guys. I used to have the same problem, but now I don’t show any type of cleavage. (Unless I don’t mean to)

Answer #13

I didnt mean it that way lol

Answer #14

thnk you churrie and no I have not those stupid people

Answer #15

okay, but, do you wear it in a way. or guys try to ask you out but deny them?

Answer #16

Your not a slut…have you had sex yet??they call me the same thing

Answer #17

@ soloartist , I think you’re being very rude and judgmental to someone you don’t even know. Don’t come on to fun advice and insult people like that. “”Wear something that looks like clothes, cover yourself up, protect yourself and be responsible for the message YOU are putting out there. Dont be a tease.”” What’s that supposed to mean? Just because guys are horny doesn’t mean we have to cover ourselves up. That’s their responsibility not to stare when they get turned on. Not our responsibility.

Just because a girl wears a tank top (I’m pretty sure that’s what she meant to say), does NOT make her a slut, by no means. I’ve worn tank tops since I was in grade 3. I just find them very cute and more comfortable. Doesn’t make me a slut.

sexykitty101 , honey you’re not a slut. I was called a slut for years for dressing the way I wanted to and it’s not because of the way I was dressing (wearing tank tops). It was because of people being judgmental and immature. Just keep wearing what you like and what you feel comfortable in and try not to care what other people say. People can be so nasty and so rude , they’ll say anything. Boys are going to look, and it’s annoying but they’re doing it because you’re cute. Don’t stop dressing the way you want to just because of other people. Be you, be yourself :)

Answer #18

WoW! anyways, me as a man, I love the female body. in its curves and how woman are just beautiful. But some are just thinking of sex. sure, I think about it simply because it crosses my mind.

I think it might be some regular guys you see daily. maybe some of those who ask you out have friends that say this to you…don’t worry about it, Ignore them and live your life. take care of yourself!

Answer #19

Its worrisome to me that you are 14, concerned people think you are a slut..and your screen name is sexykitty. You are either very naive or you really have no idea the image you are portraying.

Do you think they are staring because they think you are a slut or because you are wearing a tan top that, from a distance, could look like you are wearing nothing at all?

Just because they stare at you doesnt mean they think anything except that maybe you forgot your shirt that morning and where is your mother that she allows you to walk out of the house dressed like that.

However, you are far too old to not understand how hormones work in guys. Every woman has ever right to dress however she wants (And no, I do NOT consider you a woman at 14.) But she also much take responsibility for it as well. If you dress like a hooker and someone thinks you are a hooker…thats your own fault. Dont dress like a slut and no one will think you are a slut.

If if looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quack likes a duck…its a duck.

Wear something that looks like clothes, cover yourself up, protect yourself and be responsible for the message YOU are putting out there. Dont be a tease.

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